Tuesday, July 20, 2004

wh...wh...why bother?

so i didn't make time today, um, to blog. per say. i mean, here i am, blogging, but not with some grand thought or divine purpose. i was thinking about the ...... okay, i'm a little drunk at the moment, but the steak was really good ....... thinking about blogging. so all of a sudden i am supposed to feel like i have to blog. if i don't get some great idea out on the screen, i've missed a step or made an error about what it means to have a web-based journal. nope, not seein' it.

i like the idea of being able to comment even on the desire not to comment. i know, cliche as hell, but so is "don't pee into the wind" or "when it rains it pours." might as well "stick a fork in me - i'm done." all i really want to do is go to bed after a long day of pouring out my soul to humanity to struggle once more to make a difference in the lives of people who don't care whether i pour out my soul to make a difference to them. heh heh

alright, let's go as far as to say that this is kinda fun, but then again, i've had a day full of the wonders of life from several angles and others' points of view intermingling with my own. it's been real, enjoyable. love you, g'night.

how about you take a sec to go to some search engine and stick your name in to see what's on there about you, or who else out there has your name? gotta be better than reading a ..... an inebriated dude's blog on a tuesday night.

hey, diesel's tune "parachute" just popped on my player's shuffle. groovy man, i love his creativity. he's a great mind and great soul in a ...... great body. wow. gotta go.

1 comment:

Trev Diesel said...

Hahaha... drunk ass.