Friday, July 16, 2004

dear simple days of childhood, or beginning of the search?

this is a notebook i drew on when i was in high school. i found it when i was cleaning some stuff out of my old bedroom at my parents' place. haven't drawn a whole lot since then, and even though this is mostly scribbling, i got a real kick out of finding lines and shapes that worked together to form something i didn't imagine straight out of the box. this as much as anything i have from that era serves as a reminder of how my imagination kept digging at me to be used. only now am i starting to tie those feelings into what i've come to realize thus far about what it means to "let it out" and use my talents. um, not saying this is talent so much, but it's an example of seeing what i can come up with. i really dig that these days; especially becoming more aware of others' abilities and encouraging them to put them to use. God's imagination shines through us - i think it's one of the ways our Creator can experience his creativity, when we use it to produce beautiful things, come up with great problem-solvers, or shed light on someone's spiritual pathway. i hope i can continue to get better at that, because the results are astounding. hmmm, wonder where the first stroke of the pen was on this notebook....

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