Monday, July 12, 2004


then there was the undeniable truth....i am not the only one. it's not about me. i'm not the center of the universe and if i try to be, i will fail miserably. i'm not the first. countless others have had their beginnings before me, and One has no beginning. who can compete with that?

my point? this is nothing new for the world, but it is new to me (read some Ecclesiastes - one of my all-time favorite perusals that opens up more each time i go through it).

the theory is that my creative drive, my desire to be more imaginative every day for ways to inspire and to live a great, full life is my opportunity for contribution to the kingdom. just like everybody else....

thus, this blog was born. i will let it be what it is and know that i do not hold the answers - i'm only on the search and hoping to find out and share as much as i can along the way.

thank you to friends for the inspiring thought (check out for example, plus all the friends' links at his place), and thank you to a Creator who has perfect ingenuity. man didn't simply invent the technology that allows me to post my thoughts; it as part of the perfect plan that man was allowed to imagine because the Highest imagined it first. there is so much more to the mystery - this can only be the beginning.

check this out: john 1:3 "through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made." believe, don't believe it, it matters to me, but it doesn't change what's true. this is groovy stuff for sure.

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