Wednesday, August 18, 2004

is it 6 billion times more beautiful?

during a conversation recently with one of my mentors, i came up with a "decider theory" for situations where i want to figure out if an action or theology is good. comments on the idea are welcome. i am sure i'm not the first to think of this, but that's only mentioned so i don't come off as a zealot. ;)

allow me to preface this with one factor - i am struggling with the idea that God is huge. with that in mind, it might be said that God can allow for a myriad of "correct" theologies for the kingdom that do not coincide. that is to say, what's good for the goose may not necessarily be good for the gander.

the theory: simply put, if an individual wishes to determine if a specific theological statement is right, he/she should multiply the theory by 6 billion. this number is based upon the current approximate population of the planet in human terms. the thinking behind the multiplication of a theory is that one should think of his or her decisions in life on a scale far beyond what it will do to enhance his or her own life (spiritually, physically, etc.) and look at how it would affect all things if everyone would believe or act the same way.

in the end, how does what i do affect the rest of the world? do i want all my energy to go towards positivity? of course i do, but does the way i do it work universally? ouch, might have just answered my own question, so don't read that part. oh, um, sorry about that.

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