Tuesday, August 17, 2004

dead, once alive.

a few weeks ago, i heard about the snowy owl that had upon its journey, come to perch for some time in this region of indiana. jen and i went up to visit one day, at which time i snapped the photo above. we spent a while watching the owl, wondering about the life it lead, talking about it. when the owl would look at us, what a feeling that brought. created creativity peering into its created kingdom partner.

this snowy owl is dead, hit by a truck while ignorantly minding its own business. i grieve today, and forever more, for the loss of this beautiful blessing. yet my mind wonders about its life as well, how the owl's journey brought it here. what was its plan? was it brought here to be seen and then to have its life ended? am i so self-centered that i think it was here so that i would ponder this subject? perhaps not so self-centered. i can imagine God moving many through one entity. Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., John Kennedy, my father, my friends and mentors, the snowy owl. broad impact, positivity sent out in all directions, from One, through one, to many.

how now, whether a human or beloved animal dies, do i cope? it's been so long since one close to me has passed over. the grief from a bird, coupled with my confusion about how screwed up i sometimes see things in this place, burden me. i pray for revelation.

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