Wednesday, March 15, 2006

by the way

i think this always, but haven't written it: thank you to those who have commented about the shots and such, as well as to those who simply enjoy them without commenting. the wonder of it all is what it's all about; i send all your encouragements and praise straight in/out/under/through/betwixt to the universal creator that makes it all possible - it's like a cosmic prayer and you didn't even have to pay anything! makes me smile when a snapshot of all this wondrous stuff gets you all jazzed up.

a couple of you have asked along the way about what camera i use - it's an hp850 with a couple lens attachments i was able to find for it for better macros and such. cameras - one of a few friggin' worldly attachments i'm finding difficult to surrender. ;)

just a reminder - if you haven't been to the site at all or for quite some time, hit some of the older pages, too; they're ripe and tasty! enjoy, and thank you on behalf of [insert your name for GOD here].

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