Friday, June 03, 2005

NOW is what's happening; enjoy NOW

with subtle tones making an easy rhythm,
footsteps become droning missile attacks
on ant hills and dying leaves
newly fallen from sycamores and elms,
and the little bushes i didn't plant but still take the time
to prune and mold to how i imagine
they really should have looked.

what i thought were leaves suddenly
flutter from the treetops,
swooping and chirping,
discussing "where is South -
and do we want to go there?"

my thoughts follow their lead,
upward and out
away from me
for an eternal moment,
one that should not leave me.
sharp breath in, and already exhaling
in a warm wet cloud
gusting from within -
i know these moments are fast waning.

winter is howling over my head,
lying in the stacked clouds,
waking from a very short nap.
She is angry and ready to snap,
waiting to begin her prowl -

but it is not yet her time.

with this new conclusion
and impervious longing,
stretching each moment out
to capture the essence of now,
i put away these petty worries for another day,
bend my sights back down to decaying Earth,
and sigh to myself, "carpe diem, carpe diem."

kbs 4.1.2004

1 comment:

Trev Diesel said...

Awesome, bro. You ready to start putting a book together?