Wednesday, November 03, 2004

ahhhh, yet again

i really didn't have much of a desire to mention this today, because i feel there are going to be so many people delving into this issue that it's crazy enough out there, and i should be one who sits back and enjoys it while it lasts. however, here i find myself typing away, making sure i say my piece about how i think this current situation will affect me, and how much i want everyone to know the depth of amazement i have for today's outcome.

you see, i am a rainy day's biggest fan. i woke up this morning, got ready to head out, then headed out, caught the weather forecast on the radio on the way in, and heard rain showers are on the way. my my, what an outstanding bit of news.

so, my small typed-out voice in the midst of the virtual chasm of digital communication exclaims only one joy and one sadness....great happiness that the sky is falling, and sadness that not all in the world are as happy as i about this great news.

do have a bit of a headache at the moment, though. probably the friggin' barometric pressure.

for those of you who thought i'd even think of mentioning politics, go here:


Trev Diesel said...

Hmmmm... would like to hear WHY you like rainy days. Give me a page's worth.... 350 words or less. Make sure to use your "Writers Inc." book for any grammatical questions and for goodness sake, start using black ink.

Seriously, what's up with the rainy day thing.

peacefield said...

how did you know i have a copy of "writers inc"?