Saturday, March 25, 2006

two for real


Anonymous said...

How do you do it? It amazes me how you see the picture you want to take.

peacefield said...

i'm glad you're amazed; i think i just try to get out of the way, you know? like when we get really excited about something and for some odd reason, even if the person we're with is checking out something totally different, we blurt out, "check it out! look at that!", simply because we're so into the experience that we want them to enjoy it, too. wow - just writing that out makes me realized how selfish i am - i'm so busy pointing out what i think is cool that most times i never know what the other person was seeing or thinking about. i guess since it's me, i'll share my excitement, but i hope i realize when to listen well.

hmmm, at any rate, remember to tell God you think it's amazing, too. ;) yeah, so feel free to show me what you dig, too!

peacefield said...

actually, i don't know what the hell i do or don't do. :)

Ariel said...

Your pics are amazing. Well, you do not have to know what you are doing. At least we know what you do. This is more important, us, the recipients and beneficiaries of your art. Bet?